Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tai Ma - Great Hemp

For over 10,000 years China has grown and cultivated Tai Ma, great hemp, otherwise known in the botanical world as Cannabis Sativa. C. Sativa, industrial hemp, is the cure-all for what ails countries:

  • suffering with gross unemployment percentages
  • looking to develop new industries
  • adapting and using potential government subsidies to increase "green" growth
H.R. 1866, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009 seeks to exclude industrial hemp from federal prohibition.  Legislators in Vermont, Hawaii, North Dakota, Montana, Maine, Illinois, Virginia, California, Arizona, Minnesota and Missouri have bills pending  to support research into hemp cultivation.  Despite pending legislation, the United States continues to prohibit the production of C. Sativa.  Current regulations require all live hemp seeds be stored in a locked safe, and fields be surrounded with a 10-foot-high barbed wire fence, illuminated 24 hours a day and guarded.

On the other hand wiser heads prevail in Canada, through the authorization from Health Canada effective March 12, 1998 and today Canada plants over 35,000 acres in hemp with an increasing number of farmers opting to produce organically certified hemp crops.  

In an ongoing interest to support the increasing organic/natural fiber market, the mid to late 1990's marked the lifting of prohibition in Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain and Hungary. 

Thus the case is made for growing C. Sativa in these United States of America.

Let me know if you agree!!!

Remember hemp is great !